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model with jewelry

You may already know how to dress for your body type. Did you know that you can do the same with jewelry?

The general rule (with some exception) is that if you want to draw attention to one of your better physical characteristics and distract from those that are less appealing, wear jewelry that falls in or around your best body feature. Here are some more detailed principles to follow:
-If you want to highlight your décolletage, wear chunky, bold or short layered necklaces. If you’d like to draw attention away from your bust instead, wear long and bold earrings, bracelets or earrings.
-Just like vertical striped clothing, long and lean pieces of jewelry will help you to look thinner and taller. V or Y shaped necklaces will lengthen your torso and your overall height. If you are petite, avoid chunky, short necklaces as they can swallow you up.
-Have a pimple? Distract from your face with eye-catching necklaces, bracelets or both.
-Don’t like your hands? Wear a chunky bracelet. Believe it or not, this will draw attention away from the hand and to the wrist.

You can trust Jennifer Reeves to design quality jewelry that will highlight your body type. If you have questions, please feel free to call Jennifer at 708-717-5942.